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    Introduction of pear juice beverage processing in pear juice

    Time:2021-04-07 15:25  Browse:277

    The general technological process of pear juice production line is as follows: raw material selection, pretreatment, crushing, pressing, coarse filtration, clarification, fine filtration, homogenization, defatting, concentration, etc. the processing technology of fruit and vegetable juice before coarse filtration is basically the same due to different products, and the subsequent process needs to be changed.
    The choice of raw materials needs to meet: fresh raw materials, rich juice, good quality raw materials, no disease, no decay, timely harvest.
    Raw material cleaning needs to meet: drinking water cleaning, pesticide removal, disease fruit, rotten fruit removed.
    The extraction process of fruit juice should go through crushing, pre pressing (heating treatment, adding pectinase pretreatment) and fruit juice extraction (pressing, extraction and beating).
    The process of coarse filtration includes: coarse filtration, preservation of coarse filtered juice (heating sterilization, sulfite treatment, sodium benzoate preservation, pressing into carbon dioxide preservation, cold storage, alcoholization).
    Clarification and filtration of fruit and vegetable juice: clarification (natural clarification, gelatin tannin clarification, enzyme clarification, freezing clarification, heating coagulation clarification, ultrafiltration clarification, adsorption clarification, honey clarification). Fine filtration (pressure filtration and vacuum filtration).
    Homogenization and degassing of turbid juice: homogenization equipment can be used for homogenization of turbid juice. Degassing methods include vacuum degassing, nitrogen exchange, enzyme degassing and deoiling.
    The concentration of concentrated juice includes vacuum concentration, freeze concentration, reverse osmosis concentration and ultrafiltration concentration.
    Fruit and vegetable juice blending mainly includes sugar and acid conditioning, color matching, seasoning and so on.
